Twee gebouwen met groene beplanting

Yuverta International

We aim to be a lifelong educational partner


Facts and figures

Yuverta is the largest provider of green-blue education in Europe

13,000 students secondary vocational education
8,000 students vocational educational and training
8,500 students in the adult professional education courses
3,000 staff members
5,000 internship companies

About us

At Yuverta, pupils, students and professionals enjoy a solid education that prepares them either for the job market or for a smooth transition towards higher education.

We are ‘future oriented’ because we deal with themes that matter, such as climate, energy, water, nature, food, and the well-being of humans and animals.
Yuverta is the premier provider of agricultural vocational education and training in Europe. We offer training and courses on EQF level 1-4.

Yuverta applies for several Erasmus+ projects each year so that our students and staff can go on internships abroad. It also enables us to learn and work on exchange and innovation with international partners in Europe.

Yuverta achieved the European Quality mark, for Erasmus+. We are proud of this acknowledgment, and of the quality and assurance of our internationalization activities and aim to further develop our international strategies.

Yuverta generates new innovative ideas together with reginal and foreign partners and actively participates in European subsidized projects.

Together with the business community, we explore the world of today and tomorrow. We collaborate towards a sustainable improvement of our education and our living environment. 

Internships are an important part of our educational program. During the internship we provide companies with a young, enthusiastic professional. Interns are a way to get to know potential new employees. There is always plenty of work and an intern provides a new perspective on your organization.

Yuverta is an active member of international networks such as Europea International, The Dutch Alliance (TDA), and Network of Networks.

We are actively working on the Erasmus+, Interreg and OKP program.




Yuverta in international projects

Yuverta in international projects

Yuverta was part of PROGRESS: PROmoting GREen Skills and Schools
Yuverta is part of The European Platform for Urban Greening (EPLUG)
Team Yuverta mbo Boxtel / Roermond won in the Agro Challenge 2022

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Kooikersweg 2 5223 KA ’s-Hertogenbosch